Current Events
- Fri, Sep 13Huron Point SubdivisionSep 13, 2024, 8:00 AM – Sep 15, 2024, 6:00 PMHuron Point Subdivision, 31872-31998 S River Rd, Harrison Twp, MI 48045, USA
- Dates and times listed belowLakeshore DriveDates and times listed belowLakeshore Drive, 38466 Huron Pointe Dr, Harrison Twp, MI 48045, USA
Please contact a board member if you are willing to assist with planning HOA activities and events. Remember we are all a part of this association, and it takes everyone to make it great! Some additional ideas include: boat regatta, dingy run, poker run, ice cream social, walleye tournament, holiday get together, food truck dinner, etc.
Proposed Canal Dredging
A homeowner-initiated study is underway to evaluate suction dredging the Lakeshore and Riverdale canals. Homeowners are concerned that decreasing water levels will result in the loss of use of our canals. Because this impacts only residents living on the canals, this is resident driven and not an effort the HOA is driving, although the board will provide administrative support. The dredging area is bordered by 147 properties. If the SAD is approved, each of the 147 properties will pay an equal amount for treatment, excluding properties that agree to hold sediment containment tubes, which will not be charged for the SAD. The project is in the initial stages, and requires the following:
1st Step Complete: Sediment analysis has been completed to determine the volume of sledge to be removed, and whether there are contaminants that require hazardous waste disposal. The study was funded by donations from property owners at a cost of $5000. Resident contributions will be reimbursed if the SAD is approved.
2nd Step Complete: Provide the full project estimate from to contractor, Sediment Removal Systems, determined through the sediment study to the Harrison Township clerk to draft a Special Assessment District (SAD) to fund the project.
3rd Step In Process: Petitions will need to be signed by at least 51% of the affected property owners for the SAD to be approved. The Township Board will hold 2 public comment times during their regularly scheduled meetings for any property owner in the SAD to voice support or objection to the project. Following these hearings, the Township Board will vote to approve the project.
Final Step: The Township will contract the providers to apply for the required permits and develop a timeline for the project and establish the funding method and collection from property owners for the SAD.
Don't like the muck? Help get this project moving!
Sign the Special Assessment petition for project approval!
Annual Weed Control Schedule
The annual canal weed control treatment will be scheduled for three applications: 2024 Dates are To Be Announced. All three applications include weed and algae treatment. We will post yard signs the weekend prior to each application and yellow signs will be posted at the beginning of Venetian and Lakeshore for reminders. For additional details regarding these treatments, see the attached information flyer.
Road Special Assessment Districts (SAD)
The engineering estimates for the 3 Special Assessment Districts (SAD) are split based on which street you use to enter off of South River Rd. These estimates are the "worst case scenario" for cost, it's what we're willing to sign to pay for new roads. The actual cost would be based on the completed construction cost minus any grant money that can be secured. In order for a SAD to pass 51% of the property owners must sign the SAD petition. We are looking for volunteers to help collect signatures, please let us know if you can help.
**As of 2023, this SAD project has been cancelled due to a lack of support from property owners. Due to the significant effort expended and lack of interest, the board does not plan to revisit this for several years.
Safety Reminder
Speeding has been a big issue in our neighborhood for a long time.
Here are some things you can do:
Lead by example - Make sure to go the speed limit yourself, no matter how many cars back up behind you.
Call the Sheriff - If speeding within Huron Pointe is a concern of yours, please voice your opinion to the Macomb County Sheriff at (586) 469-5151 or other traffic concerns can be directed to the Macomb County Department of Roads at (586) 463-8671.
Here are some things that won't work:
Speed Bumps - Any type of speed bump, speed hump, or speed dip is not permitted on public roads by the MCDOR.