Next Meeting
Tuesday December 3, 2024
CLICK links below for meeting presentation and summary
Meeting Presentation
Meeting Minutes
February 27, 2024
​Board Member Attendees:
Ken Mulder – President
Bill Fromius – Trustee
Dean Parent – Vice President
Brett Kurily – Trustee
Trina Barta – Secretary
Joe Raymon – Trustee (Excused)
Louis Bitto – Treasurer
2024 Dues & Financial Update
Ken gave an overview of dues to be collected for 2024 and additional benefits the board is working on for residents.
Louis provided a financial update:
2023 YE membership of 172 with income = $4,965.00 and expenses totaling $5,779.92
2024 YTD (2/26/24) membership of 89 with income of $2,025.00 and expenses totaling $1,362.12
Officer Elections
Ken asked if any residents opposed re-electing current board members, including the addition of Trina Barta as new Secretary. There were no objections and board members as outlined above were approved and elected.
Website registration for electronic communication
Trina provided an update on registering online with an email address so as to get HPHA updates.
There was some discussion on the best forms of communication for residents and allowing people to opt-in on how best they want to get information – email, Facebook, Newsletter, Web etc. Board will look at ways to improve communication but for now will continue to use all forms to get messages out.
2024 membership cards, stickers and benefits
Dean gave an overview of the new membership cards that dues paying members will receive to get discounts at local businesses. Board is continuing to work on a list of discounts for members and will regularly update the website with new listings.
Current businesses who have signed up:
Roys 2.0 Gas Dock will provide $0.10 discount on regular fuel with the purchase of 35 gallons or more and a free pump out to HPHA members (does not include diesel). See HPHA website for updates.
Annual eventsDean outlined plan for 2024 events:
Food trucks will come every other Thursday this summer from 4:30 – 7:30 and will be located in the common area just over the 1st bridge. During garage sale weekends food trucks will be at the same location on those Saturdays (5/18 and 9/14) from 12:00-4:00. To view the food truck schedule please visit:
Subdivision will have 2 garage sales this year May 17-19 and September 13-15.
Cookout at Lake St. Clair Metropark is scheduled for Sunday June 2
Boat Tie-up is schedule for Sunday July 21
Canal Dredging update for Lakeshore, Archer, Pardee, Riverdale, Powers
Ken provided an update on the SAD for the dredging. More than 50% of residents signed the petition as well as more than 50% of frontage signed. The township will now be taking the lead.
Two (2) meetings will be set up for public hearings, residents will be notified. The 1st is March 25thfor residents who feel they are not part of the SAD.
No date has been scheduled for work since permits are needed from EGLE and Army Core.
Maximum price allowed by the SAD is $611,534 (including 20% contingency) and $4,246.71 per parcel. Residents can pay upfront or over 5 years.
2-3 ft of material will be removed via suction.
10 properties will be needed for sediment bags to dry out which will take several months to dry out. Bags are 100 feet long, 40 feet wide and 20 feet round. Bags will be placed on mulch - between the fabric and mulch the water will be filtered and directed toward storm drains. Residents who agree to these bags will not be charged.
Weed Control
The same company from last year has been hired again. Dean has asked the company to treat in the middle of the week vs. weekend like last year. He also noted that the water is safe to swim in 24 hours after treatment – check safety notices posted by provider. Dean asked residents to provide feedback on how the treatments are working for continuous improvement. Any questions or concerns please reach out to Dean Parent.
Question regarding when Jefferson between 16 mile and S. River is slated for repair – possibly on schedule for 2025.
Follow up question regarding timing for bridge on S. River which may be this year. Details can be found here:
Question regarding road SAD and if there was any opportunity to try again. Ken explained that all efforts have been exhausted but if individual streets are interested in taking the lead on their own for their area, he can provide the details on what to do.
Question on if the metal plate at end of Lakeshore will be removed and road fixed. Dean has talked with the county and since that is on Lakeshore and not S. River, the county will not fix it.
Ken thanked residents for attending.
October, 2023
Called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. and welcomed everyone in attendance
Per a suggestion from a member the meeting was started by asking volunteers to say something positive about Huron Pointe or the HPHA, comments include:
The uniqueness of Huron Pointe
The work the HPHA does
Food trucks brought into Huron Pointe, trying to schedule a network for next year
Current membership provided by treasurer Louis Bitto, 155 members prior to the meeting and more paid dues at our Oct 11 meeting
New members were given membership stickers, koozies and burgees (ran out and will order more)
Some members already paying ahead for 2024
Comments about what dues were used for including events, giveaway items, buoys, decorations, flyers
Financial update provided by treasurer Louis Bitto
2023 incoming funds as of October 10, 2023 - $3875.00
2023 outgoing payments as of October 10, 2023 - $4043.75
Current balances as of October 10, 2023 – Checking $9919.23 CD $34665.39
Current secretary Patti Nass has stepped down from the HPHA board, asked for a volunteer for secretary or trustee
Had one volunteer interested but had since withdrawn
Brett Kurley has expressed interest in taking over as secretary
Patti also handled decorations for the neighborhood, and we are looking for a volunteer to help with new decorations and storage
Will have elections of HPHA board members at first meeting in 2024
Asked for feedback on current weed control applications
A request to have applications done earlier in the week
Comments about the quality of current treatments were good
Current SAD paying for weed control has a few more years before renewal
Update on the proposed SAD for dredging the Lakeshore/Archer/Pardee & Riverdale/Powers canals including cost breakdown and petitions for signatures (Target???)
Request for volunteers to help collect SAD petition signatures
Sediment removed will be available to those that need fill
Update from trustee Joe Raymon about current No Wake Buoys and proposed locations for new buoys
Thanked trustee Bill Fromius for his work on moderating membership on the HPHA Facebook page and stopping the spam and inappropriate comments
Update from vice president Dean Parent about measures to reduce speeding
Working with Macomb County Sheriffs for radar signs
Comment about painting options for speed limits on roadway and bridge approaches
Stop signs to be added to sidewalk crossing at Venetian
Updates with new website
New content
Residents can register to get flyers electronically
Events posted to HPHA Facebook group will direct to the website
New page will be created for resident businesses to advertise or offer discounts
Maintained by resident Steve Smith
Hosting fees paid for by HPHA
New for 2024, membership will include a membership card
Roy’s 2.0 fuel dock will offer 10 cents of per gallon of gas, not diesel, and free pump out with 35+ gallons of fuel purchase with membership card
Request for contacts to get more membership benefits from local businesses or resident owned businesses
Website will provide list of benefits for members current on dues
Thanked those that attended and Huron Pointe Yacht Club for hosting, closed meeting
April, 2023
Welcome & Introduction - HPHA President, Ken Mulder, welcomed all attendees and introduced the newest board members, Louis Bitto, who resumed the position of Treasurer.
Financial Report - HPHA Treasurer, Louis Bitto, provided a financial report.
Oct 2022 – Apr 2023 Income: $1,350. Income is generated from $25 yearly dues; the board is trying to increase the membership.
Expenses: $1,731
Assets $10,044.05 checking
$34,274.43 trust fund (CD)
Current membership & payment options - Currently there are 70 dues-paying members of the 850+ homeowners in the subdivision. An additional 16 paid at the meeting or via VENMO following the meeting for a total of 86. The board instituted a new payment option via VENMO for those who prefer to use e-payment option. Residents are making dues payments successfully through VENMO application.
Election of Officers – Election of officers was held by Ken Mulder. No new residents were nominated; therefore, the current Board Members will remain in their current positions. The board is looking to fill one additional position, Website Administer/ Communications person. Candidates would update the website one time per month by adding or deleting content so those homeowners who do not have Facebook can keep up with current events and send out emails.
Road SAD – We are no longer pursuing the road SAD. The Board and several volunteers made a valent attempt to get 51% signatures, unfortunately we feel short and will no longer pursue road upgrade for 5 to 10 years. There was a lot of work put into this effort and the Board will not revisit the option for a few years. Note the County Road Commission maintains the roads but will not replace them.
Dredging on Lakeshore/Riverdale canal – effort was requested by homeowners to look into dredging, note this is resident driven and not a board effort though Ken Mulder is assisting homeowners with the effort. Need to raise $5,000 in order to hire a contractor to get samples and send them in for sampling. Flyers were sent to all homeowners on the affected properties. So far $3,225 has been donated to date, if the SAD is approved by 51% of homeowners the donated money will be credited to the donor’s balance. There should be more information in a couple of weeks, timeline for suction dredging is up in the air. Hoping for this fall or next Spring. Water levels are in a downward trend, want to get the dredging done before we lose access to affected canals. If a SAD is passed by 51% the Township will manage the project, two public hearings will be held then the township will apply for permits from EGLE and Army Corps of Engineers.
Events – Word on the street is residents feel they are not getting anything for their yearly $25 donation, so the board is planning numerous events this Spring/Summer/Fall to draw neighbors together. So far, we have the following events planned:
Annual garage sale May 19 – 21, weekend before Memorial Day weekend. We will advertise on Facebook and the local paper to draw people into the neighborhood. Brigantine Estates is also holding a subdivision garage sale on the same weekend.
Summer kickoff cookout @Metro Beach pavilion on Sunday, June 11. We will provide hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, and soda. We welcome others to bring a dish to share. It will be a family friendly, BYOB event. If you plan to come by boat, the north marina does change for boat wells $10 for the first 12 hours. It’s a first come first serve basis because there is no power or water, so it charges the same as the Seawall docking. Metro Park will make sure someone is over there to help us out and coordinate payments. We are looking for volunteers to help with the planning and execution. Would like those who plan to attend to notify a board member so we have an idea how much food to purchase.
Mini raft off – Event will take place on July 8 or 15 depending on the weather outlook. Destination is also dependent on weather – looking at Goose Bay, Fisher Bay or Strawberry Island. Dues paying members will receive a pennant style flag with HPHA logo to hang on your boat to show your support to the neighborhood.
Fall festival – Looking to have a cookout, bounce house, and trunk or treat, more info to follow.
Euchre tournament – end of September or beginning of October, date and info to follow.
** Board is looking for volunteers to engage and sponsor community events, please contact a board member if you are willing to assist in one of the above or any other event.
Buoys – Buoys will be going in soon and will be placed in the same location as they were last year.
Q&A –
Discussion ensued pertaining to the suction dredging proposal. President Mulder mentioned the first hurdle is to obtain samples to determine how much silt needs to be removed so we can get an accurate quotation. Then we need to solicit signatures for SAD approval. Once approved by 51% of affected residents, the township will award the contract, contractor will pursue purchasing bags to hold slurry and water. The water runoff will be intentionally directed toward sewers, not toward houses or seawalls. Note the township has no record of dredging in Huron Pointe for the past 50 years. Ken Mulder is currently speaking with two companies regarding having suction dredging done. There are both benefits and drawbacks to the process. Suction dredging will lift the loose silt from the canal; however, the drawback is that there will be large bladders filled with sediment approx. 400 cubic yards each which will need to be placed on vacant lots in order for the sediment to dry out. This can be unsightly. The contractor can only move the silt 1,000 feet and it must dry out before it can be hauled away.
Properties without seawalls – causes run off into the water ways. Township may eventually force homeowners to secure their property. Doesn’t do any good to dredge if property runs off into the canal.
Properties with cut-in boat wells will be required to pay an extra fee to have the cut in dredged as well.
Price will be based on samples of silt to see if can be used as fill or does it need to be dumped in a hazmat site.
When is W. Archer bridge replacement – This summer and will take 3-4 months to complete.
When will the S. River Road bridge be replaced – President Mulder is not aware when it will happen, it is not yet listed on the County’s list of road projects.
New stone entrance sign – comment was made regarding the outcropping sign not being as appealing as former wooden sign. President Mulder advised the crowd that the former sign needed repair with estimates approx. $3,000 - $4,000. The board felt it more prudent to replace the sign with a more permanent fixture which mimics other neighborhoods in the area. The board selected graphics that represent our community by selecting a lighthouse. Flowerpots with seasonal flowers will be added to the location to brighten up the area.
Recommend burying overhead wires in neighborhood – This was addressed when the roads were done back in the ‘80’s and was voted down. This is not an option; it is too costly and can only bury under the streets. Individuals can pay to have the wires running to their homes buried at their own expense.
Enforce rules regarding the number of trailers/boats storage on property – homeowners should file a formal complaint through the township. The township will redact complainants name if a FOIA is submitted by defendant. Township Supervisor, Ken Verkeste, will also entertain complaints if unwilling to submit formal complaints for fear of reprisal.
Clean-up of S. River Road specifically by Lambrecht’s Marine - President Mulder talked to the township. They are working with the county to get cleaned up. Recommend residents talk with/file complaints with township and county, the more complaints the more likely the issues will get addresses.
New HPHA board member request – looking for a new board member to specifically manage the website and email mailing/marketing. If anyone is interested in joining the board, please contact one of the board members.
Future communication methods – trying to expand our methods of communication with homeowners by utilizing email to send out flyers. If you’d like to receive email flyers and notifications electronically, please provide your email address to a board member. Flyers do not always make it into homeowners' hands, they are often either left on the mailbox or fly away.
Block Captains – Three new block captains stepped up to the plate, would like to thank Paul & Heather Aggeler (N. Lakeshore) and Laura Danckaert (Venetian) for volunteering.
Meeting adjourned
October, 2022
Welcome & Introduction - HPHA President, Ken Mulder, welcomed all attendees and introduced the rest of the board members.
Financial Report - HPHA Treasurer, Dave Fisher, provided a financial report. April 26 – Oct 25, 2022
Income: $2,396.20
Expenses: $11,412
Assets: $9,534 checking
$33,956 trust fund (CD)
Donation: $7,500 Venetian weed control
Income is generated from $25 yearly dues; the board is trying to increase the membership.
Current membership & payment options - Currently there are 150 dues paying members of the 850+ homeowners in the subdivision. The board instituted a new payment option via VENMO for those who prefer to use e-payment option.
Where dues go - Membership dues are used to plan neighborhood events, improvements, maintenance of common areas, and holiday decorations at the entry. The board is looking for volunteers to engage and sponsor community events. A few suggestions included raft off, picnic at Metropolitan beach, Euchre tournament.
New stone entrance sign – a round of applause was given in appreciation of the new outcropping. The project started two years ago and completed October 15, 2022. Former sign needed repair with estimates approx. $3,000 - $4,000. The board felt it more prudent to replace the sign with a more permanent fixture which mimics other neighborhoods in the area. Selected graphic that represents our community by selecting a lighthouse.
Old entrance sign auction – Both the welcome and leaving sections of the sign were auctioned off generating $150.
New HPHA board member request – looking for a new board member to specifically manage the website and email mailing/marketing. If anyone is interested in joining the board, please contact one of the board members.
Future communication methods – trying to expand our methods of communication with homeowners by utilizing four pillars of communication. Currently Facebook is our main means of communication, as well as flyers, sandwich boards at entrances and email; however, the board would like to build a new website to engage with homeowners. Also, asking homeowners to provide their email addresses so the board can send out flyers & notifications electronically. The flyers do not always make it into homes and are often either left on the mailbox or fly away.
No Wake buoys – Planning to add two additional solar powered buoys next year. The one located in the lake will need to be replaced with a more robust model. Trying to target the boaters coming from Metro Beach who take short cuts through our canals to get to the lake.
Weed control – The SAD was approved and renewed to include the Venetian Canal. This is the 1st of 5 years. Aqua weed was awarded the contract through Harrison Township. Three applications per year, if there is a problem Aqua Weed will come out and retreat problem areas. This is a weed killer not a preventer; it is applied via a hose on the bottom of the canal and handheld wand. Weeds grow in silt if we dredge weeds will not grow in hard pan. The chemicals are copper based herbicide, similar to bottom pain on boats. Does not harm fish and people can swim in the canals. The contractor must obtain permission from EAGLE (formerly DEQ). It is not easy to get a permit from EAGLE, assume it is safe based on EAGLE approval.
Block Captains – looking for volunteers to hand out flyers on Venetian, Lakeville, and Lakeshore from S. River to 1st Bridge.
Road Resurfacing SAD – Focusing on Zone 1 which includes 650 parcels, currently have 233 yes signatures/votes which equates to 35%. For the SAD to pass requires 51%; for SAD to pass requires an additional 99 signatures. Looking for people to collect signatures for the neighborhood, the board cannot do it alone. If the SAD does not pass the board will NOT reconsider another SAD for 5 to 10 years. In the meantime, the roads will continue to deteriorate, and the cost will more than likely continue to increase. Recommend/encourage residents to approve even if they are not happy with one of the aspects of the SAD, board is NOT going to change nor redo the petition year after year. Furthermore, the township is not going to support us, they have lost expenditures if we do not vote in the SAD. If anyone would like to solicit signatures for Zone 1 and/or Zone 2 they are welcome to do so, though there was a small percentage in those two zones, so the board chose to focus on Zone 1. There is a list of addresses/residents who have yet to be contacted and we’d like to close the gap so we can determine if the approx. 242 homeowners are if favor of the SAD. The board will move forward as long as we get additional help soliciting signatures.
Recommendation to install playground equipment and corner of Lakeshore and Lakeville in vacant lot. There is playground equipment in Anne Park that was donated by SANG. Before we can install any additional equipment, we need to get permission from Township/County.
Add streetlights – county does not support neighborhood lights. Residents would have to pay for them and it would cause nuisance in summer months with all the insects.
Add bike path – Macomb County will not allow bike paths or sidewalks, county has full authority in right of way. The only option is to have an extended shoulder as is part of road SAD for Zone 1.
Recommend burying overhead wires at Pardee bridge. Boaters need to pay attention. Macomb County nor DTE would cooperate when asked in the past to complete this work.
Enforce rules regarding the number of trailers/boats storage on property – homeowners should file a formal complaint through the township. The township will redact complainants name if a FOIA is submitted by defendant. Township Supervisor, Ken Verkeste, will also entertain complaints if unwilling to submit formal complaints for fear of reprisal.
Canal Dredging – Ken Mulder is currently speaking with 2 companies in regard to having suction dredging done. There are both benefits and drawbacks to the process. Suction dredging will lift the loose silt from the canal; however, the drawback is that there will be large bladders filled with sediment approx. 400 cubic yards each which will need to be placed on vacant lots for the sediment to dry out. This can be unsightly.
Properties without seawalls – causes run off into the water ways. Township may eventually force homeowners to secure their property. Doesn’t do any good to dredge if property runs off into the canal.
If a SAD is passed by next summer for dredging CORE of engineers and EAGLE will fast track it and complete the dredging next fall. However, it will not include those properties with cut in boat wells unless homeowner willing to pay an extra fee to have the cut in dredged as well.
Price will be based on samples of silt to see if it can be used as fill or does it need to be dumped in a hazmat site.
Can yearly dues be paid via credit card – not at this time. Processing fee is to costly
Dead trees by Lambrecht marine and on road right of way. Ken Mulder talked to the township; the township is working with the county to get cleaned up. Recommend residents talk with/file complaints with township and county, the more complaints the more likely the issues will get addresses.
Bike path sweeping – Township works with Metropolitan Beach to maintain.
October, 2021
May, 2021
Ken Mulder introduced himself and advised all present we had a lot of agenda items to cover and asked if we kept questions to a minimum.​
Dave Fischer, treasurer, provided 2 years of accounting information. Income from Jan 20 – May 21 $5,074 and expenses for the period were $4,076. As of May 18, there are a total of 80 due paying members for 2021. We set aside $1,000 per year for legal fee, if it doesn’t get used it rolls back into the general fund.
Garage sale scheduled for Friday – Sunday, May 21 – 23. Sunday night and Monday is free pickings.
Elections. All current members agreed to stay on the board except trustee Larry Gass.
President – Ken Mulder
Vice President – Dean Parent
Secretary – Patti Nass
Treasurer – Dave Fisher
Trustees – Bill Fromius & Joe Raymond
Two new Trustees will join the board – Brett Kurily & Elizabeth Dritsas
Canal entrance lighting & buoys – board purchased 3 lit no-wake buoy and will be installed. One in the lake near 1 st bridge, one between the island and Venetian canal, one to mark the Huron Point canal.
Lights were installed at the end of Lakeshore & Lakeville canal and are said to be working well. -
We are in the 5 th year on the weed control SAD. There’s a new provider this year, the former provider retired; we’d like feedback from households to advise us if they are happy with the new provider. The board is talking to other subdivisions about their providers. Will resume with 3 weed treatments this summer. The butcher block signs will be out to notify homeowners when the weed control is scheduled. Harrison Township will solicit bids for new SAD to begin in 2022. Looking for volunteers to collect signatures later this year for for the weed control SAD later this year. There will be a separate SAD for Venetian so it doesn’t affect the remainder of the subdivision. In the future if Venetian is in favor of weed SAD we may incorporate into one SAD for entire sub. The SAD will once again be a 5 year contract vs. formerly done yearly.
Current Block Captains:-
Bill Fromius &. Debi Chestnut – Huron Pointe
Dave Britten – Venetian
Dave Fisher – Lakeshore from S. RR to N. Bridge
Dave Kowachek – Circle Dr.
Gail Rappert – Riverdale
Karen Moncrieff – Lakeshore from N. bridge to Black Creek
Ken Mulder – E & W Archer & Pardee St.
Need – Lakeville
It was suggested we email the flyers, however; we do not have everyones email address. President Mulder mentioned that we put it on HPHA Facebook page.
Weed control captains:-
Bill Schibel – Lakeshore & Lakeville
Dave Kewacuk – Lakeville/Circle
Jeff Papsdorf – Huron Pointe/ Circle
Ken Mulder – Archer, Lakeshore & W. Archer
Need - Venetian
A vote was taken to replace the entrance sign with a large engraved boulder, there was a consensus to proceed with the new boulder. The existing sign at the entrance was installed when the roads were completed which needs repair. Cost to refinish/repaint/replace wood is up to $5,000; new boulder is estimated to be $4,500. Permit from Township was approved. Board is looking for electrical volunteer to rewire lights once the boulder is installed. Price estimate to include a foundation under the boulder.
Road SAD – In 2019 Harrison Twp. had roads assessed by Road Commission. We are looking to have all roads resurfacing next year if the water levels remain low to include Venetian. If the SAD is approved by homeowners the SAD will include a bike shoulder on both sides of Lakeshore for safety purposes. County will only install shoulder if it is done on both sides. Lakeshore is treacherous to walk or ride a bicycle on. Lakeshore is the only stripped road in the subdivision, therefore, it’s the only one that can have bike shoulders. Must obtain 51% of homeowners to agree in order to proceed. The total cost will be divided by number of houses/residence.
The SAD will Include all streets except W. Archer in the event W. Archer would like to add a pump station. If they vote to add a pump station W. Archer will have their own SAD.
The board will request assistance from Macomb County Road commission to help supplement the cost once we have a SAD approved. Macomb County will never repave the roads even if the roads fall apart; cost of repaving is upon homeowners to pay for. The County sealed the roads once but will not do again, only patch.
Neither brick mailboxes nor landscaping will be replaced, only sod will be replaced. The bike path/shoulder will consist of the same type of foundation as the road. *Note the bike path/shoulder IS NOT a parking area, if FEDEX has a delivery they may park over the bike path momentarily.
Comment was made regarding the end of East Archer needs work which is an abutments. President Mulder brought this issue up to the County Commissioner to add it into their future budget; not much success but Ken will continue to pursue. Comment was made regarding adding speed bumps – President Mulder advised speed bumps are illegal, though we may replace speed sign with electronic speed signs. The Board asks all homeowners to be courteous to walkers and bikers and give them space.-
In 2018 an estimate of $3,000 per parcel to mill & fill which consists of remove asphalt surface, use existing to create new bed.
When the roads were repaved previously it was assessed by frontage as the project included adding drainage.
We’ll need to have engineering come out and reassess the roads to get an exact cost by parcel.
Bike path will be the full length of Lakeshore Dr. with 3’ shoulder on each side. Stripped & designated. Road commission will only do it if we do both sides. Walk with traffic, ride against traffic.
Residence cannot fill in swales or park cars on the swales. The weight crushes storm sewer. Thirty years ago, the township assessed fines to individuals who parked on swales.
New Harrison Township residential ordinances which will affect residence in Huron Point. Recreation vehicle storage has changed, to review the changes review the bottom of the Harrison Township website. Provides info on what can be stored, how can be stored, and setbacks.
Empty lot – lot owner must own what is stored on the lot
Huron Pointe Excavating – Request a permit from EAGLE and Army COR to construct a wave attenuation, the board submitted an objection to the project on behalf of all HPHA homeowners. requested a permit from EAGLE and Army COR to object to the project. Huron Pointe Excavating is not using the property in accordance with zoning usage. Property zoned waterfront not for marine usage. They are storing barges is violation.
President Mulder recommended homeowners to attend Harrison Township board meeting which are open meeting and voice your objection.
Township provided guidance on how to dispose of sandbags. Though the townships recommendation is to leave them in place. If you do not want to leave them in place you CANNOT dump the sand into the canal or at seawall. Please do not dump at prior location where there was sand. Township has 2 designated locations, must dump sand into the sand pile and dispose of bags properly.
Discussion was held regarding the Interest in dredging canals, 51% of homeowners must agree. Would be paid for via a SAD, only homeowners who live on the canal would pay.
Mechanical dredging vs. vacuuming – remove all the loose stuff, slightly more expensive. Must stay 5’ away from seawall.
Need to stop weed growth by dredging not just treating and killing for them to grow back the following year.
No subdivision cleanup on June 12, doesn’t appear to be required at this time.
Open the floor up for questions and there weren’t any.